The Joint Code of Practice
Code Objectives:
Each year, fires on construction sites and buildings happen and need to go under refurbishment. Fires have consequences such as people killed, injured and even historical interests can be damaged and destroyed. Not only are historical interests damaged, but also plant and equipment are damaged. The main objective is to prevent all the fires on construction sites. Fires can be prevented by designing out the risks, ensuring simple precautions and creating safe working practices in which all parties must be involved in. Parties must also work in teams to ensure adequate detection and prevention measures are taken.
It applies to activities which are carried out due to and during the procedure. It should be during the procurement, construction and design processes, but not the complete structure. It should also be with the current legislation and HS(G) 168 which is the Fire safety in construction work legislation.
The code applies to projects which have an original contract value of £2.5m or more. This also applies equally to smaller value contracts which are part of larger projects. Large projects include ones that have a value of £20m or more. There are often exceptional circumstances like the case of high fire risk sites. The code serves as a ‘best practice’ if the case is where the construction contract or insurance contract doesn’t require the code.
Complying with the Code:
This mainly applies to construction sites which include civil engineering works, demolition, alterations, fitting out, renovations, refurbishment or repairs work. This code helps to minimise the risk of accidental fires or malicious fires within these jobs. It also applies to parties in the supply chain such as specifying and designing as well as the constructors.
NOTE: Compliance with this code forms part of your insurance contract. Non-compliance results in insurance being ceased to be available or withdrawn. This could lead to possible breaches of a construction contract which require provision from an insurance.