
What is a tools in transit policy and who needs one?

A workman's tools are a crucial part of their working life as they're often relied on in order to complete a job and maintain income. However, they are expensive to buy and are attractive to thieves due to their ease of resale....

10 Christmas jobs that take longer than checking your insurance

There is something about Christmas that makes most of us want to cram in as many tasks as humanly possible, so that we can guarantee ourselves and those around us a memorable Christmas. But such is life and all its unpredictability that your Christmas can become...

amb launch Alice Charity boxes on behalf of local charity

amb are proud to sponsor our local charity the Alice Charity but this time we wanted to do more. We have launched a re-usable food-bank box to make donating and collecting as easy as possible for local businesses....

What you need to know about insurance pay-outs

The 2015 Protection Survey by Drewberry Insurance found that many consumers believe insurance policies pay out just 50% of the time. However, this is in stark contrast to the facts, which show insurers pay out 97.2% of the time on vital protection policies. The percentage...

Six reasons why….. you should use an insurance broker

Insurance is one of life’s little inevitabilities for a great many of us, like booking your car in for an MOT, visiting the dentist, or filling out a tax return. A lot of us will have a go-to MOT garage, the same dentist, or a trusted...